Saturday, November 23, 2013

2013 quick recap!

Another Chalk season is over for me! I am ready for my two month break before I start back up in 2014.... But to recap:

2013 Festivals I attended (not including private events):

I had a great time at these and hope to attend even more in 2014, its going to be a busy beautiful year as I plan on chalking fantasy themed work all year - just to get back to focusing on what I enjoy, beautiful colorful art. My main goal for 2014 is to place at a festival with more than 50 artists so that I can become a Master. I would also like to do a 3D piece and set up my timelapse for each piece I do.... I will also be featured in a Daytona College production called "CreARTivity" (more info coming soon). Although before all of this happens I need to take inventory and restock on some colors!

I will be posting my  2014 schedule as I make it on the side bar - if you would like me to attend your event please get in contact ASAP,

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